Author: Mike Jones

Soul Surfer in Europe #7: Last Night

Monday, May 22
This is my last night in Holland. I have had a great time to say the least and met many new faces I will never forget. I sat this morning in Bob’s looking around and just thinking that I am lucky not only to get the chance to experience a wild place like Amsterdam but also lucky to be American and to be able to go home to a wonderful family and a great job.

Being away in a different part of the world makes you realize how well you have it at home and how much you take for granted. I will definitely be back to Holland soon. Holland is more of an experience than a country. I have seen the sights of the city, the parties, the clubs, and of course the red lights. But I have also seen the beauty of the countryside and the wonderful architecture of the towns I have visited. I am thinking of writing a book about my travels in Holland and include my 100 or so photos I have already taken.

Now for my thank yous!
Thanks to BnA for hosting my journal on their site, thanks to my wonderful parents Randy and Sandy for supporting me in my decision to travel, for giving me the time off to make this trip, and all of you who have been corresponding with me since day one of my travels.

You can expect a full rundown of my trip the day I get back…one last entry in this journal. Can’t wait to get back home to share my photos and all the junk I have collected!