Author: The Global Travellers

Tim and Mari’s World Tour #2

Sunday, October 31

After leaving Toronto last Saturday, we spent until Tuesday on several different airplanes, before landing in Auckland (Note: we are happy we packed our cold weather gear, if it only gets used for that chilly layover in England).

At the airport, a small hound-dog decided that Mari had some extremely dangerous fruit in her pack, and then security examined the soles of our boots (very dangerous soil). Finally security let us into the country, but not until after they took our tent, and thoroughly examined it in a private room (bad Canadian soil).

Auckland was an interesting city, but very expensive so we left quite quickly.  We did get to see where the America’s Cup race is being held, and also saw a Maori exhibit (where I was dragged onstage to show off my amazing performance ability at ancient native skills).

On Friday we went north to the Bay of Islands Region (just north of Whangeri).  It was a great chance for us to live on a beach for a bit and relax.  Unfortunately this plan backfired as our campsite became the local party central for drunk teenagers, hiding out from their parents.  Oh well, we got some sleep.

We are now en route south again heading to the Coromandel tomorrow, and on to Rotorua soon.  We have bus tickets that cover most area on both islands, so we ride around in a huge lime green bus.  Life’s good, things are kinda expensive.  oh well, time for a pint.