Author: Sean Keener

Location Independence – #RTWChat on Twitter

After someone travels long-term for the first time, addiction sets in. Many of us think, “I want to do this all the time!” Then reality sets in, and we realize that in order to do that, we need to have some money. With technology becoming more and more widespread around the world, this is becoming possible by obtaining a location independent job that allows people to work anywhere in the world as long as there is an internet connection.
We invited Nora Dunn, creator of the site The Professional Hobo, to join us on the video chat yesterday as we talked about location independence. Nora has been a location independent professional since 2007, and she shared tons of knowledge and expertise about the realities of working from the road. Check out the video below, as it has some incredible tips and insight, followed by the recap of the chat on Twitter.
For more information on working remotely, check out the following articles and resources: