Author: BootsnAll

Earth – Day 10 of 30 Days of Indie Travel Project

Search a Multi-Stop Route

Prompt #10: EARTH

At what point in your travels have you felt most in tune with the Earth? Share a story of how you interacted with the local environment or nature.

Tools and inspiration:  Read about ways to experience sustainable travel

30 Days of Indie Travel Project: How to Participate

We’re inviting bloggers from around the world (that means you, too!) to join us in a daily blogging effort designed to reflect on how our travel experiences over the last year – or whenever – have shaped us and our view of the world. Bloggers can follow the prompts as strictly or loosely as they like, interpreting them in various ways and responding via text, photos or video posted on their own blogs.

We’ll share some of our favorites via Twitter and Facebook throughout November, as well as a round-up article at the end of the month, so if you’re playing along make sure to let us know – use the #indie30 hashtag on Twitter, and link to the 30 Days of Indie Travel Project in your post so we’ll be able to find it.

Find out all of the 30 Days of Indie Travel blogging prompts so far – it’s never too late to join in the fun!

Search a Multi-Stop Route