Author: Sean Keener

What Would Make Air Travel Better?

Ever since humans learned to walk , they also aimed for something greater, and the dream of flight was born. Probably the most well-known story is that of Icarus, who attempted to escape from Crete, Greece by flying with the use of wings made of feathers and wax. But he flew too close to the Sun, and the wax melted, causing him to fall into the sea and drown.
Long gone are the days of early aviation when flying was expensive, there were limited routes available, and smoking on the planes was a no-brainer. Not to mention that passing through security check and getting on the plane was fast, easy, and almost resembled preparing to board a train. Today, we go to airports three hours before the flight, carefully pack our carry-ons so that they don’t exceed the weight limit or contain “prohibited” items, and if we are lucky, we don’t get patted down, too.
On the other hand, the no-frill airlines made flying available to the masses – with the good and the bad parts resulting from this – and there are so many routes available that circling the globe in a plane can be easily done by anyone with some money saved.
But there are also the canceled and delayed flights, missing luggage, airlines going bankrupt, and security threats, among other things, which mean lost time, lost money, and nervous breakdowns.
If you could change something in air travel today, what would you suggest to make things better?
Although I’ve traveled quite a lot by plane in the past two years, I’ve been lucky enough not to experience delayed or canceled flights, and my only comment was how cramped I felt in the plane to London Luton. However, I would love to see a better way for the passengers to pass through security and board the plane, such as facial recognition software which allows the “good guys” to pass through security faster, and I hope our smartphones won’t only allow us to check into the flight but also inform us in real-time if the gate has been changed due to delays.
» This week on BootsnAll: Articles you’ll read this week include: practical tips about becoming an expat, information on how to travel independently in the Caribbean and a round the world itinerary for foodies, including Paris, Florence, Istanbul, Bangkok and Buenos Aires.

Week 31 of the Indie Travel Challenge is all about air travel.

What is one thing that would make air travel better?
Don’t forget to add your blog posts to the main Indie Travel Challenge page – and be sure to include a picture when you do (we love pictures!).
The Indie Travel Challenge is a year-long blogging project. Every Monday, we’ll post a new prompt, question, or challenge that bloggers can respond to via text, photos, or video. Respond on your own blog, and link back to BootsnAll so we can find and highlight the best submissions.
Check out the Indie Travel Challenge landing page for all information related to the event. You can see the week’s daily prompt, follow the hashtag on Twitter, share your posts, and check out submissions from around the world.
Read more about flying:

Photo by Rejik