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Author: Sean Keener

Staying Active In The Community Now That You're Home

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Coming home from a RTW trip is a bittersweet experience. You’re no doubt happy to be home, see family and friends, eat and drink everything you’ve missed, and not live out of your backpack anymore. But you’re also going to long for the freedom you had when on the trip. But the trip doesn’t stop just because you’ve come home. Now that you’ve finished your round the world trip, it’s a great idea to stay active in the community. There’s plenty of people just like you who are going through the process of deciding, planning, and embarking on their own RTW trip. You can help now with all the experiences you’ve had and things you’ve learned. And, most importantly, you can start plotting where you want to go next

Help other travelers

From the articles you read, to the people who helped you, you were definitely assisted when planning your RTW trip. Now it’s time to give back to other travelers and keep your round the world travel memories fresh by sharing your experiences and helping others plan their own around the world journeys. Here are some ways you can contribute to other travelers in the BootsnAll Travel Community:

Send us your traveler bio.

Travelers who are planning or who have taken round-the-world trips send us profiles on themselves and their RTW travels. They give tips and advice, and there’s no better way to encourage other travelers like yourself to travel the world than to show them the ropes and ins and outs of making a trip of this magnitude happen.

Participate in the BootsnAll Travel Community

From discussion board to a members-only community of independent travelers, both are a great place to post up those handy tips gained by experience. You can also answer questions of travellers who are headed in the region you’ve just come from. Simply sign in on the message boards. If you’re not a BootsnAll member, then sign up here.

Write a Travel Story

Did you realize how much fun it is to write about your travels while you were away? Did you enjoy keeping a blog or journal of your experiences? Then why not try your hand at writing some stories. Funny anecdotes, useful tips, amazing experiences…all have a place here at BootsnAll. Check out what might fit you, and go ahead and pitch us an idea. You may even be able to make a few bucks!

Answer Questions as an Insider

If you enjoy talking about your favourite place or want to help other travellers but don’t want to write about it, why not be an Insider? Insiders field questions via email about places they have a solid knowledge about. Tell us where you’re familiar with, and we’ll include you at the bottom of all relevant articles. Anyone with questions can contact you for first hand information. Check this out for more information.

Start planning your next trip

Just because you came home doesn’t mean you’re staying there. Maybe you have friends and family to catch up with, maybe you want to move to a new town, or go somewhere for a new job. Maybe you even want to go ahead and start planning your next round the world trip! Wherever you want to go next, you can research, plan, and book that trip here:

[more link=”https://www.bootsnall.com/rtw/adam-seper-round-the-world-traveler.html”]Next: RTW Travel Interviews[/more]

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