Author: Sean Keener

Rome, Italy

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Europe: Round-the-World Travel Destinations

Budget Scale: 1-5
1-least expensive; 5-most expensive
4– Rome is an expensive city, there’s no way around it. One surprising thing it does have going for it though is you can find affordable food options. A backpacker scraping by can visit Rome for about $75US/day, but if you want to actually see some of the sites and have a bit of comfort, plan on spending closer to $100-$150US/day.

Indie Travel Scale: 1-5

1-not a good Indie Travel destination; 5-a great Indie Travel destination
2.7– Rome is known for all its memorable sites and history, which means lots of tourists. You can escape the hordes, though, if you follow our tips below.
Indie Travel Tips
Follow these tips for having an indie travel experience in Rome.

  • Check out these weird and wonderful attractions in Rome that won’t be packed like the normal tourist attractions:
    • Cappuchin Crypt
    • Museum of Purgatory
    • Museum of the Sanitary Arts
  • Food is an important part of traveling in Rome (and all of Italy for that matter), so if you’re looking for a unique foodie experience, check out the Home Food organization.
  • If you’re going to be in Italy, it’s a necessity that you see a football game.  Lazio and Roma are the two biggest club teams in Rome.

Why you should add Rome to your RTW travel list

  • Yeah, there’s lots of history and Gladiator-type stuff, but that ain’t all
  • Tombs, baths, churches, markets, fountains, festivals…
  • Visit the Vatican, Forum, Colosseum, Palatino, Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio…
  • Italian food, Italian wine; what more do you need?
  • Gelato and food markets: you’ll fall in love instantly with both. Affordable, too.
  • Why you should not add Rome to your RTW travel list

    • Rome is expensive and full of tourists at nearly every turn. It’s hard, but not impossible, to get away. Visit Rome during the late winter (March) and plan to check out the sights during mid-week. You won’t be suffocated by tourists. However, the weekends are busy even during the low season.
    • Tourist scams are pretty common. Stay away from the persons dressed in gladiators or other historical characters. Should you snap a photo of them, you’ll end up having them all over you and then requesting money (€5) for their “performance”.
    • Summers are hot. Avoid them and, instead, plan to visit during late winter/early spring or by the end of fall.

    Are you heading to Rome? What do you need to do?

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