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Author: Sean Keener

Traveling Around the World FAQ

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For starters, have we debunked your myths of travel yet? If not, have a look at these questions and answers, where we address – somewhat tongue-in-cheekly – common questions and misconceptions about round the world travel.

  1. Why do people travel for such a long time?
  2. How long is the average round-the-world trip?
  3. How do you save the money?
  4. Where do you start planning?

  1. Why do people travel for such a long time?
    Traveling around the world is a dream a lot of people have, and they want to make it come true. Travelers go RTW for various reasons, such as wanting to make a lifestyle change, take an extended break from “regular life,” experience greater exposure to other countries and cultures, and/or to challenge themselves with the rigors of around the world travel. Those are just a few reasons. One thing is for sure – if you decide to take a RTW trip, your life will never be the same. It will change you in ways you can’t even imagine.
  2. How long is the average round-the-world trip?
    Most people take between 6-12 months. Some people do go shorter, but usually not shorter than 3 months. Some people even go longer, sometimes even years. There are those who hit the road and never return, becoming permanent nomads. Some come back and decide to change careers to accommodate their newfound wanderlust. Digital nomads now combine work and travel, needing only a laptop and an internet connection to work. There are also plenty of RTW travelers who simply go back to their old lives. There is sometimes a misconception that people who leave to travel the world are running away from something. While that is true in some cases, the majority of people who decide to travel RTW simply want to see the rest of the world. No more, no less. If they can make it happen, they do it then come back home.
  3. How do you save the money?
    Like any other goal, such as buying a car or a house, you have to find the cash to make it happen. There are lots of ways to get the money to travel around the world. But there is one common theme – unless you are already wealthy, you have to make it your top priority. You will have to sacrifice some things to take a RTW trip. Here are a few ideas to get you started in money saving mode:

    • Every paycheck, pay yourself first: put a certain amount of every check into a special bank account that will be your RTW fund. And don’t touch it.
    • Cut out the little stuff – it all adds up. Instead of paying that dollar for a candy bar, or $5 for a latte, or $2 for a soda, or $5 for a beer out at a bar, put the money away instead. This $13 alone is worth a couple night’s accommodation in India. Let the money add up toward your trip.
    • Get a second job, and put all the money towards your trip.

  4. Where do you start planning?
    Go to BootsnAll’s RTW Planning page and start at the top. This page is a massive, comprehensive guide to all things you’ll need to know about planning a RTW trip. Join and talk to the BootsnAll Travel Community. Check out the travel articles on the places you’re interested in. Email our Insiders with your destination questions. Also head to our guidebook section to get the latest edition of the best travel guidebooks. Also, be sure to check out the extensive list of FAQ’s for everything planning related.

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