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Author: Sean Keener

Guide to Working on the Road

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Money. The most cited excuse reason we hear as to why someone can’t travel long-term.
Putting away tens of thousands of dollars is not easy, especially if you’re young and right out of school. For some, it may take a decade to save the amount necessary to go on that trip of your dreams.
This may depress you. But it shouldn’t because you do have other options.
And while you may not be able to take the trip of your dreams at this point because of finances, that does not mean that you can’t still get out on the road for a long-term trip, learn tons about the world (and yourself) while doing so, have amazing experiences, and have the opportunity to start putting money away for that big trip.

If you’re someone who really wants to hit the road, you don’t have to wait until you can fund the trip in its entirety.

If you’re someone who really wants to hit the road, you don’t have to wait until you can fund the trip in its entirety.
This guide to working on the road is going to give you the resources you need to get on the road quickly.

Teaching English

Teaching English is one of the most popular ways to make money while traveling. If you’re serious about it, you can actually make some real money doing it, but it will be a real job. If you’re just looking to make some money on the side to assist you in your travels, you can do that, too, but the money will be less and you’ll probably be working under the table. It all depends on which country or region you teach in.

Many travelers will go teach for a year or two, save as much as they can, then take off and travel afterwards. It gives you the opportunity to both live and travel abroad.

South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan seem to be the best places to go if you want a legit job that is also well paying. Some Middle Eastern countries also offer pretty good salaries and low costs of living, which gives teachers the opportunity to travel around the region during breaks while also saving money. Many travelers will go teach for a year or two, save as much as they can, then take off and travel afterwards. It gives you the opportunity to both live and travel abroad.
For more resources and information on teaching abroad and getting certified to do so, make sure you check out the following articles and sites:

Working in Restaurants, Bars, and Hostels

If you choose this route, you are more than likely going to be working under the table in a restaurant, bar, or hostel illegally. This type of work is just temporary, and if you’re looking for something more permanent, then it’s going to be more difficult since you’ll have to deal with working visas and legal restrictions. It can be done, but you’ll have to jump through some more hoops.

Read the following articles and resources about finding temporary work while you’re on your RTW trip


[figure title=”WWOOFing” description=”Working on the Road” src=”https://content.bootsnall.com/rtw/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/WWOOF.jpg”]
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms has been placing travelers on farms in exchange for room and board since 1971. It is extremely popular in places like Australia and New Zealand, and it’s a great way to extend your trip, do some cool work, and meet some awesome people.

Check out the following for more resources and information on WWOOFing:

Other Working Opportunities

There are plenty of other working opportunities while you are abroad. Some are probably things you have never thought of or even knew existed. But if you are dying to get on the road and simply don’t want to wait until you are the position to save the money necessary, you can certainly make it happen. Like any big life event (college, wedding, buying a house, having kids), you have to step up the plate, be creative, and make some sacrifices. Traveling long-term is no different.

There are plenty of other working opportunities while you are abroad. Some are probably things you have never thought of or even knew existed.

Check out the following articles and resources for finding all types of work while you’re on your RTW trip. If you are a true travel junkie, you may also think about finding a job in a field that will allow you to travel all the time.

If you have the drive and determination to set off on a RTW trip, then you have the drive and determination to work while you’re gone if necessary. For some travelers, that’s the reality of the situation. Not everyone is fortunate enough to save enough money to travel and not work. Fortunately, the world we’re living in today makes travel and work go together much easier. For many jobs, all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Having to work a bit while also traveling sure beats working while not traveling.

Having to work a bit while also traveling sure beats working while not traveling, so if you have dreamed of traveling the world but just don’t think you have enough funds to make it happen, look into any of the above options to help you out.
Photo credits: 1, 2
[more link=”https://www.bootsnall.com/rtw/guide-to-volunteering-on-the-road.html”]Next: Guide to Volunteering on Your RTW[/more]

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